MP3 Hosting

Need mp3 hosting for your audio files for use with our TalkingSpeaker™ Free or Custom players?

We've found a deal* with veteran mp3 hosting company Liberated Syndication (libsyn) to host all of your TalkingSpeaker mp3 audio files, as well as any podcasting files you may have.  It's simple to use and works great with TalkingSpeaker™.

LibSyn mp3 Media Hosting   MP3 hosting plans start at only $5/month for
50MB of NEW files EVERY month

This is a great deal so sign up today!
  mp3 File Hosting

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Uploading your MP3 to LibSyn and Locating your MP3 URL:

1 • After creating your LibSyn MP3 Hosting Account and your mp3 audio file, log into your mp3 Hosting Account and click on the "media files" tab.

2 • Click on "+ Upload a File" and follow the instructions to upload your mp3 file.  After uploading, you will be returned to the "media files" page and your file should be shown under the "Current Media" list.

3 • Click on the name of your new mp3 file one time.  This will show information for the file in the "File Info" box on the left.

4 • Right-click (or control-click for older Macs) on the "direct download" link and choose "Copy Link" (or the equivalent) to copy the link URL to your mp3 and save it in a raw TextEdit or WordPad file for reference - You will need to paste it into your Free or Custom Player Activation Form when configuring your player.

Alternate Method for Step 4:  If the "Copy Link" method above does not work for you, you can obtain your mp3 URL by clicking on the "+ enclosure" link instead, then copy the URL code from the field shown below the link.  Copy the bolded part in the example below, not including the quotes...

<enclosure url="" length="123456" type="audio/mpeg" />

If you need any help, just contact us.

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*Note: TalkingSpeaker is not affiliated with Liberated Syndication in any way and any account you setup with them will be solely administered by them.  We will of course always try and help you with any problems, but we can't be responsible for account issues or any changes that LibSyn may make to their service and which may affect how their service works with TalkingSpeaker.